jeff @
March 08, 2009 12:28
So many sites require signup and email verification that sometimes I find myself leaving a site I would have liked to try because I hate having yet another account and potentially more spam email from each site and their advertisers. For those sites that I really do want to sign up for, I’ve been using OtherInbox for my sign-up email address and keeping the spam isolated. OtherInbox provides a web-based email account that is specifically designed to help organize email from many senders and keep it out of your primary email, thus acting as your “other inbox”.
Here’s some of what makes OtherInbox great to use when creating accounts on new sites.
An OtherInbox account gives you new email addresses without any setup. By default, any address can be created using the form sender @ For example, when I signed up for Technorati, I invented the address for my account. As soon as OtherInbox receives a message to a new email address, it will create a new mailbox for messages from that sender.
Whenever OtherInbox receives an email from a sender it has not seen before, it forwards this first message to your primary email account. Since these emails often contain a “Click here to verify your account” link, no extra effort is required to verify these new accounts. After that first email comes to you, OtherInbox will keep any future messages and not tell you about each one.
OtherInbox has a nice interface for separating messages from each sender and indicates how many messages are unread from each sender as well. This happens automatically just by inventing a new email address and receiving an email at that address.
I have 1 OtherInbox beta invitation available so let me know in the comments (include an email address) if you’d like to give it a try.
Kevin Calderon on March 08, 2009 3:25PM
Jeff Dallien on March 08, 2009 3:31PM
Matt Scilipoti on March 09, 2009 10:48AM