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The SWI-Prolog http_parameters library

Every incoming request to a server using the SWI-Prolog HTTP libraries has access to a request term, provided by http_handler/3, which contains the parameters from the request, along with all the other pieces of information one would expect the request to have (path, user agent, HTTP verb). The parameters are retrievable directly from the request, and could be parsed manually.

member(search(Params), Request).

I’m not entirely sure why the parameter term in the request list is called ‘search’. To save the work of parsing the parameters manually, the SWI http_parameters library includes predicates to do this, namely http_parameters/2 and http_parameters/3. The shorter of the two is just a convenience predicate that allows for omitting a list of options.

% include the http_parameters module
:- use_module(library('http/http_parameters')).

% calling:
http_parameters(Request, ParamsList).
% is the same as:
http_parameters(Request, ParamsList, []).

To retrieve the value of a parameter, pass the request term, and a list of terms with the parameter name and a variable. For example, if the parameter is called ‘page’:

http_parameters(Request, [page(Number, [])]).

In this example the Number variable will hold the value of the ‘page’ parameter. The empty list after the parameter is another list of options, this one is not optional. Omitting this list of options will result in a cryptic error message like the following:

Undefined procedure: http_parameters: (-)/2
[23] http_parameters: (-)/2
[22] http_parameters:fill_parameter/3 at /usr/lib/swi-prolog/library

The types of options that can be included with each parameter include a default value, whether a parameter is optional (no error is thrown if an optional parameter is missing) and various conditions and type conversions. The full list of options is available in section 3.5 of the SWI-Prolog HTTP manual. Here is an example of a parameter named page with a default value. The Number variable will either be unified with the actual value of the page parameter or with the value 1 if the parameter is not present.

http_parameters(Request, [page(Number, [default(1)])]).


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